Chairman of the Board, Sergei Kulenko, took part in the regular meeting of the general assembly of PFLK members

A regular meeting of the general assembly of members of the Professional Football League of Kazakhstan held in Astana.
The President of the Kazakhstan Football Federation, Adilet Barmenkulov, made a welcoming speech to the heads of clubs in Kazakhstan.
Adilet Nazarbayevich prioritized the development of club football called the improvement of management to achieve the following main objectives:
- building up the audience;
- improving sports results;
- ensuring financial sustainability.
For its part, the League is ready to assist and help clubs in every possible way. For this purpose, a standard of football club management has been developed and a motivation mechanism will be introduced. This will create a basis for the transition of football clubs from state funding to self-sufficiency and privatization.
In order to fulfill this aim, a working group has been set up, involving experts with practical experience in the management of football clubs.
Emphasis was placed on the need for transparency in the work of clubs as well as discussed the issues of refereeing.
Following the meeting, the League Members approved changes to the PFLK Charter, discussed the distribution of remuneration for OLIMPBET-Cup of the Republic of Kazakhstan, discussed priority areas of development PFLK, as well as determined the format of the competition for the next season, which provides for the participation of 14 teams.
According to the current Regulations on the results of the season 2023 Championship will leave 3 clubs, and the promotion should go only one team of the First League. The League members voiced a proposal to keep the number of clubs leaving the top division, but to increase the number of teams of the First League, which will have the opportunity to be promoted to three, while preserving the sporting component.
At the same time it was proposed to keep the number of clubs of the First League leaving the tournament three teams, but to increase the number of teams going for promotion from the Second League from 2 to 4. Thus, the number of participants of the Championship among the clubs of the First League should increase to 16 teams. The Second League for the next season should keep the current format of the tournament with division into two conferences.
These proposals of the League will be submitted for consideration of the KFF Executive Committee.